Walk with me, as we journey the winding path between the light and the dark. Together we will learn how to grow, and we will grow to remember. We will remember how to love all things, all beings, and all experiences.
Flirt with me, on the knife’s edge of pleasure and pain, that sub-space around hedonism and altruism. In pride, until we remember that pride was always make-believe.
Run with me as we face, head-on, the fears that have been holding us back. In confidence, until we remember we never needed confidence. The darkest path can lead to the brightest place, and the faster we run together the more exciting the adventure becomes.
Sit with me as we’re grounded, back to the basics, the fundamentals, the source. Underneath the brief sparkle of our imposed reality is the beautiful eternal glow of truth. This drives our intention, and fuels our desire to live and to love, as we remember that the sparkle only distracts from the beautiful truth.
Stay with me, as we unravel the depths of what we thought was solid. Slowly the weight lifts from our shoulders as we remember to simply breathe. Slowly comes the graceful revelation of our inner truth, our openness and vulnerability.
Dance with me, as we remember that we are truth.
We are existence.
And damn this existence is beautiful.