Today was a significant day. It held deep meaning for many people I’m close to, and it showed me appreciation and gratitude for more things I have been taking for granted.
It was a nicely introspective peek, uncovering some of my layers. My inner voices and dreams.
Often I arrive at work on a Monday morning in a rather effervescent mood, in comparison to many of my fellow corporate puppets caught in the consumerist machine.
Perhaps this is why. I enjoy joking about being a corporate puppet, and it’s fun being in a machine.
This moment is simply a single point in my journey of conscious choice to partake in the charade of traditional suits and shiny shoes, a means to an end to allow me the leverage to explore the greater universe within me, within my dreams.
“Experience is not what happens to you – it’s how you interpret what happens to you.”
– Aldous Huxley
Today, being a public holiday in this small part of the world, allowed me the serenity to contemplate Ye Olde Monday from outside those corporate walls. Perspective is everything, in this life, in this universe. I would venture so far as to suggest that perspective is what the universe is made of.
Interesting theory.
The idea that this entire existence, all the people you love, places you enjoy, activities that bring you pleasure or pain, only exist because you are experiencing them.
If you were not here, the experience would not be occurring, therefore, that moment of the universe would not exist.
At least not to you.
Oh, but everybody else is experiencing things at the same time though, so the universe definitely exists outside your mind! Right?
How do you know that, if you aren’t there to experience it?
If a tree falls in the woods, and nobody is around to hear it…?
And all that jazz.
So perhaps this is true, and perhaps it is not. Either way, this moment is very important to you, because it is yours.
Only yours.
You alone have the chance to be in this moment.
To be this moment.
To absorb every bit of information and feeling and sensation and experience from this moment.
This moment is to be savoured. experienced at full awareness, to the best of our ability given the choice.
To skate through these moments without the conscious thought about what we’re actually doing and experiencing… or to breathe in the fullness of each moment, in all it’s amazing important agonising happy tedious trivial wonderful painful boring exciting pleasurable glory.
It is our choice. What do you actively choose each and every moment? Do you choose to allow it all into your heart, your mind, and your soul?
Do you yearn for pleasure, hide from disappointment, or run from pain? Were you less than satisfied with the opportunities of today?
Why is that? What were you expecting?
As you ponder these questions, you may begin to look deeper into yourself, uncovering your layers. Allowing your inner self to be momentarily uncovered and vulnerable.
Becoming aware of yourself, and how you control your world.
“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”
― Eleanor Roosevelt
Opportunities of tomorrow will be splendid if you allow them to embrace your heart, to lead your soul to the edge of your comfort zone… to the edge of all things amazing that are out beyond your current knowledge of amazing.
Out into the darkness of the unknown, where the wild things are, where fantasies are reality and the artist within you is the creator of your world.
Today, my awareness took my artist by the hand, and began exploring every sensory attraction the world was offering.
So much beautiful inspiration for creativity…
My artist has been dreaming for a while, and it’s only very recently that he has opened his heart to the colours around him, and to the power of his own brush.
So many beautiful colours to paint with…
What will your world look like tomorrow?
Ben Tolmie
Love it bro! 😀 Perspective is indeed everything.